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    New innovative algorithm analyzes NMR readings using quantum computers

  • picture of an electrical current in graphene

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    A new quantum sensing technique uses diamonds to reveal the fluid-like electrical currents in graphene.

  • Harvard researchers discover that ultracold temperatures slow chemical reactions to sluggish speeds, gifting them with a glimpse of how molecules transform and insights into the quantum world

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    By manipulating ultracold molecules mid-chemical reaction, researchers crack a molecular disappearing act

  • Woman+ of Color Project YouTube screenshot: project title

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    for a day to read, think, and discuss racial inequities and start devising concrete solutions in the fields

  • photo board of 2023 graduating Physics PhDs

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FAS Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates

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The Harvard Physics PhD program will not be accepting Physics or General GRE scores for the upcoming admissions cycle with application deadline December 15, 2023. Please do not submit GRE scores to us or mention them anywhere in your application. Note that this new policy may not be reflected on all Harvard University websites yet. Note also that several other graduate physics programs have made similar changes to their GRE policies, so please be sure to check in with any programs to which you will be applying. Questions about our policy should be directed to the Department of Physics at gradinfo@oqynft.wcbzw.com.



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Mathematical Picture Language Seminar: Gilles Pisier, " A non-nuclear C* algebra with the Weak Expectation Property (WEP) and the Local Lifting Property (LLP)"


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Fig. 1a: chematic of TDBG with a twist angle θ.

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